Set-up Equipment Standard Medical Equipment First Aid Kit Urgent/Emergency Response Kit
•   Examination tables •   Stethoscopes •   Ice •   Epinephrine 1:1000 in auto injector
•   Partitioning devices (ex. pipe/drape, rail/curtain or other) •   Thermometers •   Oral fluid replacement •   Short-acting beta agonist inhaler
•   Hand sanitizer •   Blood pressure cuffs with small, regular, and extra-large sized cuffs •   Gauze •   Glucose tabs/gel
•   Sharps box and red bag •   Pulse oximeters •   Band-Aids •   Rectal diazepam
•   Paper, pens, clipboards •   Otoscopes with speculum covers •   Bandages/ ACE wrap •   Crutches/ slings/ splints
•   Plastic bags •   Tongue depressors •   Bandage scissors •   I.V. fluids (ex. NSS, D50%W) and administration set
•   Blanket •   Non-latex gloves •   Forceps •   Scalpel
•   Smart phone or tablet with a medication reference application •   Alcohol swabs •   Wound irrigation materials (ex. sterile normal saline, 10- to 50-cc syringe) •   Tourniquet
•   Flexible measuring tape •   Disinfectant/ iodine swabs •   Skin staple applicator
•   Lea vision eye chart •   Local anesthetic/ syringes/ needles •   Mouth-to-mouth mask
•   Reflex hammer •   Suture set/steri-strips •   Semi rigid cervical collar
•   Flashlight •   Nail clippers •   Spine board and attachments
•   Pin/sharp object for sensory testing •   Nasal packing material •   Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) drugs and equipment
•   Prescription pad •   Topical antibiotics •   Automated external defibrillator