First author, year Age, sex Procedure Comorbid conditions Recommendations/conclusions
Edquist, 2020[@137810] 48, male Bilateral cryoneurolysis of pudendal and sciatic nerves ESRD Image-guided neurolysis may be used to treat refractory pain as an alternative to amputation.
Green, 2000[@137811] 51, male Neurolytic lumbar sympathetic block ESRD Lumbar sympathetic blockade should be considered for pain management.
Mach, 2021[@137812] 78, male Ultrasound-guided dorsal penile nerve block with 4% phenol ESRD, diabetes, heart failure US-guided phenol nerve blocks may be used for long-term targeted neurolysis to manage refractory pain.
Polizzotto, 2006[@137816] 54, female Subcutaneous ketamine infusion (500 mg), sufentanil (900 mcg) ESRD, obesity, hypertension, anxiety An opioid, benzodiazepine, and ketamine combination was most successful in pain control. In the choice of an opioid, renal failure status should be considered.
Polizzotto, 2006[@137816] 65, female Subcutaneous fentanyl infusion (300 mcg) with 40 mcg boluses for breakthrough pain, midazolam (2.5 mg) ESRD, bipolar affective disorder, Parkinson disease, diabetes, obesity, ischemic heart disease See above.
Polizzotto, 2006[@137816] 59, female Subcutaneous infusion of sufentanil (80 mcg), midazolam (15 mg), haloperidol (2.5 mg), subcutaneous ketamine (50 mg) ESRD, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, alcohol dependence See above.
Sato, 2001[@137826] 50, female Morphine and epidural nerve block ESRD, hyperparathyroidism Morphine and epidural nerve block were unsuccessful in controlling pain. Early diagnosis and avoidance of precipitating factors, such as corticosteroids, are important.