Study Indication for Treatment Non. Arth. Open Complications Clinical Outcome Scores Return to Activity Other Clinical Evaluation Outcomes
Bokor (2018)[@141180] Anterior Instability 0 0 25 None - -
Celik (2017)[@141170] Apprehension Test, MDCT, Arthroscopy 0 0 1 None - RTS: 5 months postop. No pain or apprehension 2 years postop.
Davey (2022)[@141181] Anterior Instability, MRA 0 0 15 Apprehension (4), Subluxation (1), Recurrent Instability (2), Revision Surgeries (1), Additional Surgeries (1) VAS Pain: postop. 1.6 (SD, 2.6, range 0-6); Rowe: postop. 83.4 (SD, 22.1, range, 60-100); SSV: postop. 85.7 (SD, 20.9, range, 40-100); Satisfaction: 13 of 15; Would have surgery again: 14 of 15 RTS: 14 of 15; Return to Same Level: 12 of 15; Return to Lower Level: 2 of 15; Time to Return: 5.3 (2.2) months. -
Ernat (2016)[@141172] Recurrent Instability, but nonoperative treatment chosen due to military training 1 0 0 None - Cleared for return to unit with mild physical restrictions at 6 months. Cleared for full, unrestricted activity at 9 months. Continued with full function as active-duty Navy SEAL per follow-up at 17 months. MRA: reorganization and partial healing of HAGL lesion 12 weeks post-injury; MRI: HAGL lesion completely healed 11 months post-injury; ROM: 6 weeks postop. marginal improvement, 10 weeks limited active shoulder ROM, 15 weeks improved active ROM; no sign of laxity or apprehension 10 and 15 weeks post-injury; patient denied feelings of instability at 15 weeks post-injury
Flury (2016)[@141178] Anterior Instability 0 6 0 None Rowe: postop. 95 (75-100); Constant-Murley: postop. 77.3 (61.5-91); CS Adjusted: postop. 88.3% (73.2-95.8%); WOSI: postop. 91 (83.3-97.6); SST: postop. 87.5 (75-100); SSV: postop. 90% (70-95) Return to Similar Level of Sport Activity: 6 of 6 Flexion ROM: postop. 160°; ROM Abduction: postop. 160°; External Rotation at 0° Abduction ROM: postop. 55°; External Rotation at 90° Abduction ROM: postop. 90°; Internal Rotation at 90° Abduction: postop. 25°; Abduction Strength: postop. 4 of 6 similar to contralateral; External Rotation Strength: 4 of 6 similar to contralateral; postop. negative Jobe Empty Can Test; postop. negative Belly-Press Test; postop. negative Lift-Off Test;
Grundshtein (2021)[@141179] Instability (23), Frank Dislocations (6), Pain (13) 0 23 0 Intraoperative Anchor Failure (4), Musculocutaneous Transient Hypoesthesia (1), Significant Venous Bleeding (1), Required Revision Surgery (3) Rowe: 35.5 postop. improvement; Constant-Murley: 20.1 postop. improvement; UCLA: 14.7 postop. improvement; OSIS: 18 postop. improvement; VAS: 6.6 postop. improvement RTS: 6 of 12 full activity, 4 of 12 partial activity, 2 of 12 no RTS -
Karmali (2016)[@141169] - 1 0 0 None VAS Pain: 2/10 at worst; Subjective Improvement: 75% - -
Maalouly (2020)[@141171] Pain, failed nonoperative treatment 0 1 0 minimal numbness over posterior aspect of shoulder, recovered progressively - - ROM: regained satisfactory ROM postop.; Radiograph: showed anchor stability postop.; patient described as asymptomatic
Patel (2020)[@141175] Pain, MRI, failed conservative treatment 0 1 0 None - - Pain: under control 2 weeks postop.
Provencher (2017)[@141177] All experienced instability. Primary complains were pain (23) and recurrent instability (4). Confirmed with MRA. 0 10 17 None SANE: preop. 50 ± 12.3, postop. 91 ± 10.3; WOSI: preop. 54 ± 10.5, postop. 88 ± 11.4 Return to Full Active Military Duty: 27 of 27 -
Schmiddem (2019)[@141176] MRI, MRA, or Arthroscopy 0 15 0 1 recurrent dislocation, no neurologic or vascular complications Q-DASH: preop. 61 (23-69), postop. 7 (0-30); Rowe: preop. 33 (5-75), postop. 85 (60-100); OSIS: postop. 20 (12-39); ASES: postop. 91 (60-100)* RTS: 9 of 9; Return to Same Level of Participation: 5 of 9 Flexion ROM: preop. 170° (140-180°), postop. 180° (100-180°), contralateral 180°; Abduction ROM: preop. 165° (140-180°), postop. 180° (100-180°), contralateral 180°; ROM External Rotation: preop. 50° (40-80°), postop. 50° (40-80°), contralateral 80° (75-90°)
Schwartz (2018)[@141168] Pain, Weakness, MRI 0 1 0 None - - ROM: nearly complete in all planes; Pain: none with activities; Strength: full external rotation
Whyte (2016)[@141174] Pain, Weakness, Limited ROM, MRI 0 0 1 None - - ROM: postop. 175° forward flexion, internal rotation to T10; postop. 55° external rotation in adduction; postop. 110° external rotation in abduction; postop. negative Anterior Apprehension Test; postop. negative Belly Press Test; postop. negative Lift-Off Test; Strength: postop. normal abduction, normal internal rotation.
Wolfley (2022)[@141173] Instability, Weakness 0 0 1 None VAS Pain: preop. 4/10; SST: preop. 30% RTS: 5 months postop. Full function, no pain, and no instability postop.