Search Query Database
1 "glenoid augmentation" AND "shoulder instability" PubMed
2 “Shoulder instability” AND “glenoid deficiency” AND “surgery” PubMed
3 "Joint Instability/surgery"[MeSH] AND "Shoulder Joint/surgery"[MAJR] AND ("Reoperation" OR "Recurr*" OR "redislocation") PubMed
4 ("glenoid" OR "glenohumeral" OR "shoulder instability") AND "glenoid augment*" PubMed
5 (shoulder AND glenohumeral) AND instability AND surgery AND redislocation PubMed
6 glenohumeral AND instability AND surgery NOT arthro* PubMed
7 "glenoid augmentation" AND "shoulder instability" AND "surgery" PubMed
8 "shoulder instability" AND redislocation PubMed
9 "glenoid augmentation" AND (redislocation OR “surgery”) PubMed
10 glenoid augmentation AND "surgery" AND ("Reoperation" OR "Recurr*" OR "redislocation") PubMed
11 Joint Instability/surgery[MeSH] AND "Shoulder Joint/surgery"[MAJR] AND "Range of Motion" AND ("Reoperation" OR "Recurr*" OR "redislocation") PubMed
12 Joint Instability/surgery[MeSH] AND "Shoulder Joint/surgery"[MAJR] AND (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index OR WOSI) AND ("Reoperation" OR "Recurr*" OR "redislocation") PubMed
13 Latarjet PubMed
14 “Bristow” AND (“glenohumeral” OR “glenoid” OR “shoulder” OR “instability” OR “coracoid” OR “dislocation”) PubMed
15 "Bristow" AND "surgery" AND "shoulder" PubMed
16 "bone graft*" AND ("glenoid" OR “glenohumeral”) PubMed
17 “allograft” AND (“glenoid” OR “glenohumeral”) PubMed
18 Eden-Hybinette PubMed
19 "glenoid augmentation" AND "shoulder instability" Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
20 “Shoulder instability” AND “glenoid deficiency” AND “surgery” Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
21 ("glenoid" OR "glenohumeral" OR "shoulder instability") AND "glenoid augment*" Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
22 (shoulder AND glenohumeral) AND instability AND surgery AND redislocation Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
23 glenohumeral AND instability AND surgery NOT arthro* Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
24 "glenoid augmentation" AND "shoulder instability" AND "surgery" Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
25 redislocation AND ("shoulder instability" OR “glenoid augmentation”) Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
34 "glenoid augmentation" AND (“redislocation” OR “surgery”) Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar
35 "glenoid augmentation" AND “surgery” AND (“reoperation” OR “Recurr*” OR “redislocation” Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar