Study Surgical
Recurrence Rate (%) Outcome Scores ROM RTS
Arner (2022)[@200412] - 5.3 years (2-13) 8/25 (32%) ASES: preop. 74.8 (10-100, n=18), postop. 89.7 (43-100, n=18); SANE: preop: 65.2 (20-93, n=14), postop: 75.3 (3-100, n=18); Q-DASH: preop: 17.6 (0-70, n=13), postop: 11.3 (0-89, n=18); SF-12: preop: 46.9 (28-58, n=18), postop: 53.4 (24-59, n=18) - -
Atay (2002)[@200419] None 15 months 0/1 (0%) - 10° of limitation in extension with the shoulder at full abduction -
Ayoubi (2021)[@200418] - 6 years (2-10) 4/72 (5.56%) ASES: preop. 66.44 (53-86),
postop. 89.85
- -
Lee (2011)[@200414] - 32.0 ± 10.2 months 8/53 (15.1%) Rowe Score: preop. 43.5 ± 8.1, postop. 85.2 ± 8.8; VAS Pain: preop. 2.8 ± 2.4, postop. 0.6 ± 1.4; Constant Score: preop. 65.4 ± 9.2, postop. 87.3 ± 9.4 Forward Flexion: preop. 166.2° ± 10.7°; postop. 165.9° ± 11.3°;
External Rotation at side: preop 61.9° ± 9.0°; postop. 48.8° ± 11.8°
Neviaser (1993)[@200411] None >2 years 1/26 (3.8%) - Full ROM (26/26) - identical to opposite side 26/⁠26
Ozbaydar (2008)[@200415] - 49 months (24-92) 5/26 (19.2%) Rowe: postop. 86.2 (50-100) - -